Back by wildly popular demand, our 24 Hour Theatre Festival once again invites community members of all ages and levels of experience to join us for a mad, thrilling, delightful opportunity to create and perform a brand new play... all in 24 hours.

As if that weren’t enough, the climax of this year’s festival will be the announcement of our 2025/26 season of plays and musicals!

*With all participation slots full, SIGNUPS ARE NOW CLOSED!

24 Hour Theatre Festival
& TLTC’s 2025/26 Season Announcement!

April 6

At the liberty theater
written by… you!


Produced by ISF’s Shakespearience
Presented by TLTC
Apr 4
At The Liberty Theater

Shipwreck, disguise, love triangle, mistaken identity, mischievousness, and… yellow stockings? This is the recipe for one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedic romances. Twelfth Night brings to life the story of Orsino, the Duke of Illyria, and his deep love for Olivia. Meanwhile, the shipwrecked Viola, separated from her twin brother Sebastian, disguises herself as a man, takes the name of Cesario, enters Orsino’s service, and is ordered to woo Olivia for him. Ironically, Olivia falls in love with Cesario (who is really Viola disguised) and Cesario (or Viola) falls in love with Orsino. Add to the mix twin sibling confusion when Sebastian surfaces and falls for Olivia! Complicated? Maybe. But then again, so is love.

Recommended for Students in Grades 6 – 12

*Educators! ISF’s Twelfth Night study guide is available HERE!

IMprov 101 Class
with Andrew Alburger

April 9, 16, 23 & 30

Have you ever wanted to try Improvisation? To speak to and in front of people without worrying about learning lines or memorizing a script? Then say "Yes, and!” to this class.

Andrew has been teaching acting & improv to students of all ages for over 30 years. In this 4 week workshop you will learn the basics of improvisationthru fun games and scenes that will have you laugh while you learn. It’s not about making jokes or trying to be funny. It’s about finding the humor in heightened real life situations. You'll focus on finding the positive, the agreements, the yes. You will learn how to create and play new characters, transform objects, and re-discover the easy way you played as a kid. So come join in and play for a bit. Say yes, and……

Discover our
2024/25 Season playing at
The Liberty Theater!

Boeing Boeing

JUNE 28 - JULY 13
By Marc Camoletti
Translated by Beverley Cross & Francis Evans
Directed by Veronica Moonhill

An hilarious bedroom farce in which a self-styled Parisian lothario has Italian, German, and American fiancees, each an airline hostess with frequent, but never intersecting, layovers, until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris at the same time.

Little Shop of Horrors

By Alan Menken & Howard Ashman
Directed & Music Directed by R.L. Rowsey

A deviously delicious Broadway sci-fi smash musical that has devoured the hearts of theatregoers for over 30 years and has become one of the most popular shows in the world. Join us in Mr Mushnik's florist shop for this charmingly tongue-in-cheek comedy that will have you falling for star-crossed lovers and fearing for plants that will eat you alive...

Alice in Wonderland: A Live Radio Play

By Lewis Carroll
Adapted by Naomi McDougall Jones
Directed by Veronica Moonhill

Bring the whole family to this original, inventive, and magical radio play adaptation of Lewis Carroll's beloved classic. Let the live, immersive soundscape sweep audiences of all ages down the rabbit hole with Alice herself.

*FREE 2pm performance on Dec 8th will be in Spanish, with refreshments following the show. All other performances will be in English.


By Lucas Hnath
Directed by David Janeski

In A Doll's House, Part 2, the infamous Nora returns to face her former husband and the children she abandoned 15 years ago. She, and we, are forced to reckon with the rules of society, the nuances of marriage, and questions of gender.

Audiences unfamiliar with Ibsen's classic A Doll’s House needn't worry, however - A Doll’s House, Part 2 stands completely on its own as a triumphant work of theater, and can be seen by anyone without prior knowledge of its predecessor.

24 Hour Theatre Festival

Written by you!

Back by wildly popular demand, we will once again invite community members of all ages and levels of experience to join us for a mad, thrilling, delightful opportunity to create and perform a brand new play... all in 24 hours.

alice in Wonderland:
A Live Radio Play

Audio Recordings Available now to listen and share in both english and spanish!

Nestle up by the fire and share TLTC's original, inventive, and magical radio play adaptation of Lewis Carroll's beloved classic with friends and family this holiday season. Recorded live with a real foley artist, our two immersive audio recordings - one in English and one in Spanish - will sweep audiences of all ages down the rabbit hole with Alice herself.

Adapted by Naomi McDougall Jones and Directed by Veronica Moonhill, feel free to share these recordings with those you love - Alice in Wonderland is our gift to you this holiday season!

¡Alicia en el País de las Maravillas: Una Obra de Radio en Vivo

en Español!

En esta temporada navideña, acurrúquese junto a la chimenea con sus amigos y familiares y disfrute de la original, inventiva y mágica adaptación radiofónica de TLTC de Alicia en el País de Las Maravillas, el amado clásico del autor Lewis Carroll. Adaptada por Naomi McDougall Jones, dirigida por Veronica Moonhill y grabada en vivo con un artista de efectos de sonido, nuestras dos grabaciones de audio, una en inglés y otra en español, arrastrarán a los oyentes de todas las edades junto con Alicia por la madriguera del conejo.

Le invitamos a compartir estas grabaciones con sus seres queridos: ¡Alicia en el País de las Maravillas es nuestro regalo para usted en estas fiestas!

Curl up around the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy this special edition of Hammond Castle: The Radio Play!

Whether you listen alone or with your whole family, you will be whisked back to an old-timey radio cosiness but with this brand-new screenplay by Naomi McDougall Jones - a fairy tale for grown-ups about a 7-month pregnant failed actress who becomes entangled with the power-hungry ghost of a long forgotten inventor hell-bent on fame. He draws her into a glamorous, ghost-filled fantasy and together they hatch a dangerous plan to secure both their legacies... at a terrible cost.

Hammond Castle: The Radio play is now available!

The Liberty Theatre company

It takes a village to create quality, professional theatre - from our dedicated board and staff, to our guiding Artist Council, to our committed pool of professional artists, to a blend of local and out of town talent; the time and talents of these individuals creates the best platform on which to share quality, live theatre in a way that will transport, delight, and inspire.